About Me

Hi, I’m Jill!

Mom • Wife • Daughter • Sister • Aunt • Friend

The way I see it I’m just a mom with a camera trying to help families capture some beautiful moments to keep forever. Time flies! Kids grow up so fast! I want to freeze just a snippet of time and capture a memory of what your family looks like at exactly this point in time, that you can hang onto forever. And of course post on social media. #blessed

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I am the wife of my high school sweetheart, and a mom to two adorable, sassy, opinionated little ladies.

My Philosophy

Above all else, I’m a mom. So I get it. Kids are KIDS! Not professional models.

I try to help everybody relax and have fun. Even if it requires putting down the camera and just being silly for a few minutes to get them to warm up.


kids childrens portraits walpole medfield dover norwood ma

Why I Love Photography

I have always been drawn to photography but it wasn’t until I had kids that I really made it a point to up my photography game. I take a ton of pictures of my kids, mostly on my phone because it’s so convenient, but there is just something about capturing a sweet smile or a silly laugh with just the right lighting and camera settings that gives me ALL THE FEELS! There’s a reason why those are the ones that you want to frame or post on social media for the world to see!

A good photo depicts more than just a visual snapshot — you can see true emotion and personality in a good photo. That’s the goal anyway!

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